1 mois il y a Une explosion en bordure de route frappe un minibus civil circulant entre Balad et Jowhar ; cinq civils auraient été tués et trois blessés, dont le chauffeur, selon la source. L'incident s'est produit samedi à proximité du village de Raaxoi, au nord de Balad.
Police somalienne : Une attaque menée par des hommes armés sur une plage de Mogadiscio tue au moins 32 personnes et en blesse 63 autres
Somalie: sept morts dans l'attaque de vendredi sur une plage de Mogadiscio
1 mois il y a .@Secdef Lloyd Austin annule les accords de plaidoyer pour le cerveau de l'attentat terroriste du 11 septembre Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, 2 autres Le mémo du @DeptofDefense publié ce soir soulage également le responsable des commissions militaires de sa surveillance dans l'affaire
Attaque présumée d'Al-Shabaab dans la zone de la plage du Lido à Mogadiscio. Des habitants ont déclaré avoir entendu une explosion à proximité de la plage du Lido, suivie de coups de feu. Le groupe militant a mené des attaques complexes dans la même zone à plusieurs reprises au cours des dernières années.
Explosions et tirs nourris près d'un hôtel à Mogadiscio, une vidéo montre au moins 18 corps sur la plage
1 mois il y a Il y a environ une heure, un kamikaze s'est fait exploser dans un hôtel sur la plage du Lido à Mogadiscio. Plusieurs victimes ont été signalées
1 mois il y a Niger : le JNIM d'Al Qaïda au Sahel confirme que les deux Russes kidnappés sont en sa possession
1 mois il y a Niger selon source propre JNIM AQMI « le groupe a 2 otages étrangers pris à Baga » lors de cette attaque. Niger JNIM AQMI revendique une attaque à Baja Tillaberi « le 19 juillet contre une position de l’armée au moins 1 mort »
1 mois il y a Bénin JNIM AQMI revendique une attaque contre l’armée dans le secteur de Karimama « le 24 juillet […] 13 morts »
1 mois il y a Le gouvernement somalien a exposé lundi les corps de nombreux militants d'Al-Shabab et les armes saisies lors de leur tentative d'invasion de trois bases militaires dans la région du Bas Jubba. Le gouvernement a indiqué que plus de 80 combattants d'Al-Shabab avaient été tués dans l'attaque déjouée.
1 mois il y a L'un des véhicules suicides d'Al-Shabaab est tombé dans une tranchée près d'une base militaire à l'extérieur du village de Mido, tôt lundi. Les forces de sécurité l'ont ensuite fait exploser lors d'une détonation contrôlée.
Somalia’s anti-money laundering committee has issued a new sanctions list targeting 8 al-Shabaab commanders. Top of the list is deputy emirs Abukar Ali Adan and Mahad Karate; three security commanders including head of amniyat Maktab Yusuf Ahmed Nunow Gesacadde, regional security chief Abdikarim Osman Jilaow (Mustaf Caato) and Mudug jabhat commander Nur Abdi Roble Nuunuule.Agencies have been instructed to freeze their assess; individuals were told to avoid dealing with them, and report any transactions involving them to the financial reporting center.The other individuals targeted in the list are Mohamed Mire (regions), Hassan Yaqub (Shura), and Bakar Bashe Adan aka Sharif (zakawat)
2 mois il y a An official in the Al-Fajer forces, affiliated with the Lebanese offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, was killed in an Israeli attack on a car in the Bekaa, Lebanon, according to several reports
Somali authorities execute Al-Shabaab men Five men convicted for terrorism including assassinations including the killing of two clerics and an elder have been executed by firing squad in Kismayo, Jubaland state of Somalia, Tuesday - state media
2 mois il y a The Somali government has claimed that over 50 al-Shabaab militants were killed in a joint operation in Dhabaqle area - between the towns of Masagaway and Awsweyne, Galgudud region. The operation was carried out by federal and local forces with support from international partners. the al-Shabaab militant group claimed killing 27 government soldiers in Wanniile area, near El-Dheer town, Galgudud region, Monday. Unclear if the two incidents are related. Casualty figures given by the two sides have not been independently verified as of now
A car bomb exploded outside a restaurant in Somalia's capital Mogadishu on Sunday (July 14) night, killing five and injuring 20 as patrons were watching the final of the Euro 2024 football tournament on TV, police told Reuters. The bomb destroyed 10 cars and damaged several buildings nearby in a well-guarded area near the Presidential Palace, a Reuters reporter said. Al Shabaab group claimed responsibility for the attack on an affiliated radio station, saying the bombing targeted a place where security and government workers meet at night
2 mois il y a Mali: JNIM AQMI annonce « le blocus de Douma après une enquête et des preuves irréfutables indiquant que les habitants hébergent et aident Wagner et l’armée apostat à tuer et spoile les s […]mettons en garde contre toute approche ou aide aux habitants de ce village»
2 mois il y a Initial reports indicate Mogadishu’s central prison complex attack on Saturday unfolded following number of inmates obtained weapons including several AK47 and hand-bombs
Reuters writes on the jihadi jailbreak in Niger saying there were inmates belonging to JNIM and Islamic State from both ISGS and ISWAP. Overnight reports said over 200 jihadists might have fled with weapons and vehicles taken from prison guards
2 mois il y a Somali authorities in Jubaland have reported that federal and regional forces have repulsed three separate, coordinated attacks by al-Shabaab militants on three newly captured areas west and south of Kismayo. Early on Monday Al-Shabaab militants have attacked Harbole and the nearby Mido village west of Kismayo which were captured 12 days ago. The militants have also attacked Bulo Haji town base, about 90km south of Kismayo. Officials say said troops have defeated the militants in all three battles. Purported photos of dead al-Shabaab militants and weapons seized by the government forces are being published by social media accounts. The al-Shabaab militants on their side confirmed the three raids and have claimed “overrunning” the bases.
Somali troops move towards al-Shabaab strongholds in Jubaland. Federal and regional Somali forces captured a key juncture in the village of Harbole in Lower Jubba region, Wednesday.The military units that reached area reportedly launched the operations from Afmadow and Jana Cabdalla.This operation reportedly has two aims - to clear the road between Kismayo and Afmadow, and to disrupt al-Shabaab movements between Middle Jubba and Baddamadow. the forces have also captured Welmaro village, northeast of Afmadow
AU forces transfer another military camp to Somali troops this week. Abdalla Biroole locates about 50km west of Kismayo. ATMIS handed over Abdalla Birolle FOB to @SNAForce on Saturday. It is the fourth FOB to be transferred as part of the Phase 3 drawdown of ATMIS.
2 mois il y a BurkinaFaso: capture d’une autre vidéo de Noaka Kaya dans laquelle des dizaines de cadavres sont visibles éparpillés au sol et dans les trous/tranchées qui font partie du dispositif de défense submergé par le JNIM AQMIBurkinaFaso prise de la base VDP de Noaka par le JNIM AQMI le 26.06 « 30 morts » video coupée pour cacher les cadavres au sol
2 mois il y a Al-Qaeda in Sahel (JNIM) claims responsibility for the attack on a Burkinabe VDP militias headquarters in Noka, killing over 30 pro-junta militants. Another great casualty attack from JNIM across Mali, Burkina and now getting hot in Niger also
3 mois il y a Somalia accuses @VOANews of 'disinfo', lists military 'successes'.FGS ire drawn by VOA report earlier this week which cited US officials as suggesting much of recent military gains by Somali army reversed, Al-Shabaab resurgent
A suicide bomber killed at least 13 people outside a restaurant popular with Ethiopian and Somali troops in the town of Baladweyne in central Somalia. More than 10 people were also wounded in the blast near a military base
3 mois il y a At least two Somali regional soldiers were killed, and five others injured after al-Shabab militants ambushed government forces near Bulo Haji town, Wednesday, Spokesperson said. Security officials reported an unspecified number of casualties among al-Shabaab fighters, and the destruction of four battle wagons - three of which belong to the militants
An armed opposition group in Niger claims an attack on a Chinese-run pipeline
3 mois il y a Mali parmi les indicateurs importants d'activité des groupes jihadistes est la capacité de revenir sur les lieux après un IED. Ici les jihadistes du JNIM AQMI sur la route Farabougou - Sokolo on remarque l'état du véhicule, démonstration d'une direction de charge maîtrisée